BP – Azeri Field, Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, BP operates under several production sharing agreements and host government agreements (HGAs) signed with the government of Azerbaijan. In Georgia and Turkey, it operates under HGAs that cover export pipelines and terminals.

BP’s operational facilities in Azerbaijan include the Chirag platform, Central Azeri platform, West Azeri platform, East Azeri platform, Shah Deniz platform, Deepwater Gunashli platform, West Chirag platform

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The challenge

The project team were spending an onerous amount of time checking the asset data being supplied by the supply chain for quality and completeness. The project required the ability to be able to manage, view and report on the data being provided by the supply chain in one global platform.

The solution in 3 simple steps


CLS360 was installed to provide data structure for new data and to also to map existing complex engineering data to the structure.


PIM360 was implemented, based on the structure created in CLS360 allowing the project to monitor levels of engineering data completeness and quality via global reporting.

Connected data

All data was then shared via online reports and dashboards. Data was immediately available to the relevant project stakeholders. Data could be measured for completeness and any duplicated data identified before being accepted using the business rules as defined in CLS360.

We have been greatly impressed by the speed in which Datum360 deployed the system. Due to the simplicity and structured approach of PIM360, the team became self-sufficient in using it within less than two weeks of deployment, after a thorough knowledge transfer from the Datum360 team.

BP Developments Project Information Manager

M C C - 13- P T - 60
Our team can now spend more time reviewing the quality and completeness of engineering information, rather than wasting time manipulating the data, as they have done previously.

BP Developments Project Information Manager

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