Neptune Energy - Cygnus

The biggest natural gas discovery in the southern North Sea in over 30 years is now the largest single producing gas field in the UK, typically exporting over 250 million standard cubic feet of gas daily. Cygnus contributes six per cent of UK gas production, supplying energy to the equivalent of 1.5 million UK homes. It has a field life of over 20 years.

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The challenge

Our Client had the difficult task of the delivery of specified Engineering Information from multiple contactors / the supply chain.

The Cygnus project team decided to specify, capture and monitor the delivery of engineering information from their contractors. This provided them with data assurance each day by using the Datum360 Connected Data Platform.

The solution in 3 simple steps


CLS360 was installed to provide structure, specification and business rules for the Engineering Information.


PIM360 provided a ‘real-time’ exact status and completeness of Engineering Information, with dashboards and reporting for project stakeholders.

Engineers found it easy to use PIM360 to find the information they needed at speed.

Connected data

By capturing the required and specified information from the supply chain during the project phase, by using the Datum360 Connected Data Platform to check the completeness of information, the handover to operations was efficient and provided trust in the data that will be used throughout the full lifecycle of the facility

We have been impressed by the straightforward deployment, data interfacing and performance of the Datum360 Connected Data Platform.

Information Manager, Neptune Energy

M C C - 13- P T - 60
When taken in combination with the professional expertise of Datum360 team, the results so far have been very encouraging.

Information Manager, Neptune Energy

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