South32 Worsley Alumina, Australia

Worsley Alumina mine bauxite in the South West of Australia and transport it on an overland conveyor belt to a refinery where the bauxite is turned into white alumina powder. The alumina is then transported to smelters around the world.

Worsley Alumina is one of the largest and lowest-cost alumina producers in the world.

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The challenge

South32 required an interoperable and sustainable technical data management platform for their Worsley Alumina mine and refinery. They needed to connect all technical data, enabling the data to be managed, auditable and available for more effective use and for technical people to find the information they need to perform their work more easily and efficiently.

The solution in 3 simple steps


CLS360 was installed to provide structure and business rules for Worsley’s technical data for both mines, refinery and resource assets, preparing the facility for operational readiness, including all supporting digital data content and documents to conform to the required standards.


PIM360 was implemented, based on the structure created in CLS360 with all Worsley mine technical data being imported from multiple applications and documents, including applications such as SAP, Vault, SharePoint and multiple design tools.

Connected data

All data was then shared via online reports and dashboards. Data was immediately available once approved by stakeholders.

Datum360 is providing us with a solution to integrate diverse sources of technical information. It will assist our technical people to find the information they need to perform their work more easily and efficiently.

South32 Worsley Engineering Superintendent

M C C - 13- P T - 60
We are going against the industry norm and successfully demonstrating with each contract win that we can deploy our robust, quality systems in little to no time.

Steve Wilson, CEO, Datum360

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