Total Culzean Development

Culzean gas condensate field located on Block 22/25a, 230 kilometers off the coast of Aberdeen, in the UK began production in 2019.

With a plateau production of 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d), Culzean will account for around 5% of the UK’s gas consumption, bringing to 18% the proportion of the country’s gas demand supplied by Total.

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The challenge

Total required support to obtain missing data from the documents from the supply chain which had been supplied to them in various formats. The implementation of a Datum360 Connected Data Platform would enable Total to obtain a more complete set of Engineering Information for the assets from the supply chain by enabling collaborative working and providing a real-time view to the completeness of the data supplied.

The solution in 3 simple steps


CLS360 was installed to provide structure and business rules for the document data.


Datum360 supported Total with our document scraping process, which is a combination of our technology and services. This activity processed the documents in their variety of formats, captured any data provided on the documents and recorded the information in PIM360.

Connected data

By capturing missing data from documents, this allowed Total to have a more representative view of their digital assets for more efficient, safer operations and maintenance in the future.

They’ve understood our requirements and then, using their Platform, have helped us specify, collect and assure the delivery of Engineering Information.
M C C - 13- P T - 60
They’ve very much become a trusted member of our team.

Specialist Engineer, Maintenance, Total E&P AS

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